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About Us

Goals of the Residency Training Program
  1. Provide high-quality postdoctoral residency training opportunities in diverse locations throughout Arizona.

  2. Train residents in assessment, psychotherapy, consultation, ethics, and culturally responsive clinical services.

  3. Prepare residents for independent practice in psychology.


Training Model

The Arizona Psychology Training Consortium (AzPTC, or Consortium) provides opportunities for full-time and part-time postdoctoral residencies. Residents spend the majority of their time at their primary training site, though through our training model we aim to provide residents with exposure to different sites, settings, and professional roles within applied psychology. The postdoctoral residency is developed to provide greater specialization and increased professional responsibilities preparing the resident for independent practice (e.g., two-year neuropsychology residency, year-long forensic or clinical setting, etc.). The practitioner training model emphasizes culturally responsive clinical practice, assessment, psychotherapy, and independent practice. Trainers and supervisors provide exposure to a broad range of theoretical orientations and intervention strategies. In addition, residents receive Consortium led didactic training for two days each month covering topics in ethics, research, consultation, and specialized training topics.


Please see the Applicant page on this website for a list of current sites accepting applications, and the Current Resident page on this website for the “Resident Training Agreement” which describes in greater detail the expectations, roles, and learning opportunities within the Consortium training program. 


Residency Training Sites

Each of our postdoctoral residency sites are described in the “Residency Sites” list on the Applicant page. Each residency site has their own website that describes their unique training opportunities in greater depth. Prospective training sites are encouraged to see the Supervisor page for more information. 



The structure of the AzPTC is such that each resident contracts individually with their training site. As sites vary in the focus of their work (specific resident duties, structures of the practice, etc.) different training sites offer different compensation packages, with the Consortium Board setting a minimum compensation rate.  Current resident site salaries range between $42,000 and $67,000 annually. Some sites also offer additional benefits (conference/training stipends, etc.). Because each training site is different, it is important that you note the salary and other aspects of compensation for the specific training sites in which you are interested. Please see individual site listings on the “Applicant” page for more information on compensation offered, and the “Interview/Training Agreement Discussion Points” document for recommended talking points during your interview process.  


Training Facilities

As a subsidiary corporation of the Arizona Psychological Association (AzPA), the Consortium holds meetings and many training events at the AzPA association management office in Chandler, Arizona. Other training events are held at various sites throughout the state (listed on the Current Resident page calendar). 



Extensive driving is required to attend the training events held at training sites across the state. Residents will be driving to Phoenix, Tucson, Flagstaff, and other locations. Overnight lodging at the resident’s expense is occasionally required.


Performance Evaluation

Residents are evaluated midyear and end-of-the-year by their supervisors using the “Resident Performance Evaluation” form. Similarly, residents are expected to complete a “Resident Evaluation of Training Experience” form to evaluate their training experiences and give helpful feedback about their specific training site and the consortium at large. Flowcharts detailing the process of concerns or grievances and additional information is available in the “Due Process” Policy Guide on the Current Resident and Supervisor pages. 


APPIC Membership

The AZPTC is a postdoctoral residency member of the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC). The residency program is not APA-accredited. A primary goal of AZPTC is to assist trainees in becoming licensed psychologists. It is important to ascertain whether the Consortium residency program meets the requirements for licensure in your state.


All postdoctoral residency training sites are committed to policies of non-discrimination in selection and hiring on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, physical disability, or other forms of diversity. The Consortium training program avoids any actions that would restrict program access on grounds that are irrelevant to success in graduate training. Individuals from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.


Licensure Requirements in Arizona

In September 2009, the State of Arizona implemented legislation that allows for multiple ways for applicants to fulfill the requirements for licensure. Arizona does not require a postdoctoral residency for licensure in this state. All applicants for licensure must complete an internship of at least 1,500 supervised hours. The remaining 1,500 supervised hours may be obtained through either pre-internship supervised experience, (obtained through practicum or externships) or postdoctoral residency. The complete requirements for licensure in Arizona are described in the Statutes and Rules section of the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners website. The website of the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners is


Although a postdoctoral residency is no longer a requirement for licensure in the state of Arizona, the safest course of action for interstate mobility is to complete a 2,000 hour postdoctoral residency. 


To apply to a residency through the Consortium, please see the Applicant page materials. To apply as a possible site in the Consortium, please see our Supervisor page. For additional information about the postdoctoral residency program, please contact Dr. Capps-Conkle.

Some History of AzPTC

2001 — APTC established as subsidiary corporation of AzPA.

  • Primary goal was to support graduate trainees in psychology to be able to find quality internship and post-doctoral training in Arizona, and help contribute to the “internship balance crisis” that existed in the profession at that time.

  • Provided a unique model that accounted for the reality of psychology practice in Arizona as most often existed in private practices or small groups.


2001 — In the fall, the first APTC cohort met with internship group at Arizona State University Counseling & Consultation.

  • Originally intended as a chance for partnership and connection among psychology trainees, this partnership would evolve into the annual Arizona Psychology Training Conference, held each fall at ASU.  


2007 — APTC model the focus of article highlighting conceptual approach to addressing training needs in AZ.

  • Hogg, A., & Olvey, C. (2007). State psychological association creates a postdoctoral residency and internship training program. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 38(6), 705–713.


2013 — APTC holds its first training workshop in conjunction with AzPA Convention.

  • This has been held annually as pre-convention offering since.


2014 — APTC work highlighted in article regarding support of annual training conference

  • Hogg, A., Merrin, L, Schulte, D.L., Caterino, L., Polansky, J., & Hwang, B.J. (2014). Building a Psychology Training Community. APPIC e-newsletter, 7(2), 8-9. 


2017 APTC eliminated the internship program, and transitioned fully to postdoctoral residency training.

  • This change reflected several factors, including an increase in internship programs in Arizona, a general “balancing” of internship and internship sites nationally, and new requirements for APPIC internship listing that would not have been practicable for APTC structure.

  • With this structure change, APTC began to accept residents for 2-year neuropsychology specialty training.


2018 APTC began offering a training grant to sites to support integration of training work with support of work with traditionally underserved populations.


To date, more than 400 interns and residents have received training through the APTC.

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